Jesu, meine Freude
- Compositor
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Tipo
- Classic
- Opus
- BWV 610
- Instrumentos
- Órgano
- Ciclo
- Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book) (599–644)
Partituras gratis
- Original version
- Órgano
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- Jesu, meine Freude
- $4.95
- Choir
- G. Schirmer
Acreca de
Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, is a motet for a funeral by Johann Sebastian Bach, set for double chorus. The work in two movements draws its text from the Book of Isaiah and a hymn by Paul Gerhardt. Scholars disagree about the composition time and place which was traditionally believed to be 1726 in Leipzig, while more recent scholarship suggests for stylistic reasons that it was composed earlier during the years Bach lived in Weimar.
El texto superior está disponible bajo licencia de Creative Commons Atribution-SharAlike. El mismo usa material de un artículo de Wikipedia «Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228».
El texto superior está disponible bajo licencia de Creative Commons Atribution-SharAlike. El mismo usa material de un artículo de Wikipedia «Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228».