Peter Feit
- Fechas
- c. 1883 - c. 1968
- Trabalhos
- 1
- Partituras
- 2
Phra Chenduriyang was a Thai composer, conductor, music teacher, collector, and arranger. He was the son of a German-American immigrant and a Mon-Thai mother. However, he never left Thailand and identified as "100 percent Thai". He composed the Thai National Anthem.
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El texto superior está disponible bajo licencia de Creative Commons Atribution-SharAlike. El mismo usa material de un artículo de Wikipedia «Peter Feit».
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Voz, Piano
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Otros nombres
Piti Wathayakon, Peter Jenduriiyang, Phra Chen Duriyang, ปิติ วาทยะกร, th:พระเจนดุริยางค์